We all knew a head of time that we where going to get several inches of snow fallowed by horrible wind speeds, but I personally really didn't think this was abnormal. I have lived in Minnesota my whole life, we are always prone to having at least two bad snow storms a year and we know its coming. Well this year I wasn't exactly prepared for this blizzard.
It all started Saturday night, I was scheduled to work 4 to midnight. I ended up getting off early due to the high risk of employee injury from all the snow luckily my place of work allowed us to leave around 9 o' clock, even at 9 I was spinning around trying to get out of the store parking lot. When I got to the parking lot of my apartment I could barley make it threw the road because it had not been plowed yet. I am proud of my self though because I actually was able to park my car and there was two other cars in my parking lot that had gotten stuck in the middle of the road. I'll be thanking my mom for those awesome snow tires she got me!
So Sunday morning roles around, I had gotten up at 4am, for work knowing I would have to give my self some extra time to get out of my parking lot. Little did I know that we received another three inches on top of what we already had along with several 4 foot high drifts caused by the wind tunneling through our apartment buildings. Mean while I am preparing my self for the bitter cold by bundling up, as I went outside I took the broom with me to sweep the snow off my car, because I didn't have a ice scraper for my car. This took me for ever because the one side of my car was completely covered by a drift of snow.
Eventually after driving back and forth I got my car out of my parking spot, but only made it about ten feet through my parking lot until I hit a huge snow drift, and got stuck almost sliding right into my roommates truck. Apparently I woke up my roomies from squealing my tires trying to get out. Since I was stuck I ran inside to them already getting their boots and gloves on to come help me get unstuck. Gotta love that type of caring roommates! It took all three of us about an hour to get my car back into my parking spot, along with a lot of shoveling.
Sadly I had to call in to work saying I was unable to make it until the plows came through, well the plows didn't get here till about 9:45am, and they didn't help me out very much, they actually pushed snow up against the back end of my car, making it impossible to back out. So here I am just a couple hours later digging my car out again, only to make it to work for 3 hours. SO not worth all the hassle.
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